I can't believe it's here so soon. When I met you I thought 4 months was a world away. Now that I've spent my every waking (and some not so awake) moment of the last four months with you, I can not believe it's past. Everyday you do something new or funny to surprise and amaze me. I'm so lucky to have been able to spend this time with you and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
You keep getting bigger as I'm told children often do, but I must say I think you are doing it faster than some. Our last unofficial weigh in said you weigh 17 pounds and by my measurements, 27 inches long.
Over this last month you've also learned some new things. You have most definitely discovered your hands and how to use them for lots of things, like grabbing whatever is around and putting it in your mouth. You've become a total pro at taking the bottle, even though I know you prefer to nurse, especially when you are sleepy. But I knew it would only take a few tries before you adopted the bottle as a second best choice. You are still such a well behaved and amazing baby when it really counts, if we are out to dinner, or out and about, you are generally terrific and pass the time by laughing or just watching the world go by, learning and looking and being the cutest boy around.
We had a new swaddler made for you this month, as you have long since outgrown your old one, but I think even though you fit in this one (for the moment), we may begin weaning you off of it soon. I think your startle reflex is just about gone and you try so hard to get at your hand at night that it wakes you up. Oh that brings me to the sleeping issues. You still aren't making it through the night, but some nights are definitely better than others. I find that when you get good long naps, you wake up less, and fall back to sleep again faster than when you don't. So we really have to work on making sure you get them all. We have moved all your naps into your crib and you are usually perfectly fine with that, and actually still like playing in there and watching your mobile when you aren't asleep. We will have see how much longer you stay in our room at night. I don't want to keep you awake (and would love some sleep myself), but oddly enough, I have to say that I will miss lying next to you watching you nurse back to sleep and hearing you sigh contentedly in the quiet and still night.
This month we met Anna who will be taking good care of you, playing games, going for walks and most importantly feeding your hungry tummy while I start back to work and hopefully do something worthwhile and fulfilling enough to keep me away from you for even a second.
So, the beginning of this month marks the end of our non-stop time together, and I know it will be much harder on me than it will be on you. But just because I'm not in the same room with you, don't forget that I'm still with you in my mind and in my heart every second of every day, from now until forever.