Tuesday, January 02, 2007

A new face

There is a new face here in Domi's world. Anna started today while I'm still at home for one last week, so that she can learn the lay of the land and D and I can get used to the idea. I have to say right off the bat, she is totally great, just about as ideal a person for the job as could be. She's really nice and full of energy, and has no problem picking up and carrying Domi around, which is key. So why am I still antsy and depressed?
It may have been easier to start work right away after like 6 weeks, so that I wouldn't have become so "accustomed to his face" etc. It also would probably have been easier on me if I had just started work today, instead of being here feeling like a third wheel. After showing her where all the phone numbers are, how to work the stroller, where the diapers are and various warnings about the incontinent dog, all of which took about 10 minutes, there wasn't much else to do but hand off my son and see how it went. Let me tell you, sitting outside the room listening to Domingo cry because he's hungry and not able to take a bottle is not a fun way to spend an afternoon. (Luckily, I got up the nerve and showed her the trick to it- laying down next to him and having him turn to the side like he's nursing tricks him into sucking it down! I also showed her how to work the baby straight jacket, and she wasn't horrified, or at least didn't let it show, bonus points!)
But he eventually ate, went down for his naps without a problem, and went outside twice today. And I got to clean and organize a bit, and throw out some old boxes and things that have been sitting in our already cluttered apartment, which was actually really nice (there is still a long way to go on that front, but that's a whole other post!) Like I said before, the whole parenting thing is much easier with more than one person around.
After calling him for the 30th time today, Chris said that we should join some type of nanny user support group. I think I should just get over myself and be grateful that I won't be home as much for the "crazies" to rub off on the boy, maybe he'll make it out of this childhood unscathed.


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