Tuesday, December 19, 2006

It's like Fort Knox for breast milk!

Ah my glorious stock pile. What you can't see in the picture is behind the coffee and frozen ravioli are more bags of frozen breast milk, and that white container on the right is filled with more milk! (What you can see is not one but two pints of Ben and Jerry's and a container of cookie dough, um why am I still 10 pounds overweight? and yes mommy, I know I need to clean out my freezer, I'll get to it someday.)
These wonderful bags are taking over our freezer and it fills me with a bizarre sense of joy and pride. Soon it will dwindle down to nothing.
It's so funny to me that Domi can nurse as much as he likes, and that's a whole lot, and it doesn't bother me at all, but when someone thaws a bag of milk I feel totally proprietary. I feel a personal affront, like they are stealing from me. That person is almost always Chris, and I still feel this way. I know it's important for Domi to be comfortable taking a bottle as this will be his main source of food very soon. I also know that it's good for Chris to bond with Domi and feel that loving glow that comes from nourishing the little eating machine. He makes the most hilarious smacking and sighing and grunting sounds when he eats, then when he's full he "talks" to the boob, like it's his own little microphone, it's hilarious. (Domi does this, not Chris)
But still, these bags are mine! I worked so hard to get them. While Chris was already relaxing, or worse, sleeping in bed, I was out in the living room pumping away to make sure my supply stays up, and to have a little cache for when I start working. And although it comes in a stylish black back pack don't let that fool you, I don't know if you've ever been to a dairy farm but the technology is exactly the same, I feel and look like a cow when hooked up to this machine. It's never been a fantasy of mine.
So forgive my selfishness, and ignore my pained expression (ha) when you thaw the milk. I know it's for the best. But for the love of all that is holy, DO NOT THROW ANY OF IT DOWN THE DRAIN! I don't care that Domi didn't take it all in one sitting, put it back in the fridge and try again later.


Blogger La. Sra. said...

Amen, Amen and Amen again!!!!!! Somedays I just want to mooooooooo when I'm pumping. At least I don't smell like a dairy farm, that's one consolation.

If you don't want Chris thawing packs to give Domi then try pumping just before you know he needs to eat that way he can have fresh milk in a bottle and no one's raiding your stash.

I'm quite possessive about my stash, fresh or frozen, especially this week as my production's down a little again.

Just call me Ms. Milk Nazi. And don't let anyone try and tell you he needs more than what you're pumping. People are doing that with Elena b/c she's a bit small but she's still gaining weight when she's not with a cold so she's just going to be petite. No problem there.

I applaud you for only being 10 pounds over. I'm still 30 over my pre preggers weight and then I want to be 2 sizes smaller than that before I get pregnant again. You'd think with 8 months of exclusively nursing and only an occassional binge of Haagen Daz I'd be closer to my starting mark :(

Ahh motherhood!!!!!!!

1:49 PM  
Blogger La. Sra. said...

I added some photos to my blog for you as a submission to Domi's World!

Enjoy the photos!!!!!

7:46 AM  

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