Thursday, December 07, 2006

3 months

I can't believe it's here already, the one month anniversary of this blog! Just kidding, Domingo you are three months old. These past three months have gone by both at lightning speed, and oddly enough, at a snail's pace.
You are really a creature of habit, and have developed a pretty good routine during the day. We play on your mat, play in your crib, and when you get sleepy you have gotten really good at taking naps! Sometimes you wake up happy and talking, other times you wake up with a cry. Either way I come running, scoop you up with a kiss and we go off to play.
You have a routine at night too, but I'm just not as fond of it. You are still waking up a lot, and you want to be nursed back to sleep, and while I love snuggling with you, I'd love to sleep more than an hour at a time too. Someday soon I know you'll make it through the night. You've almost completely outgrown the swaddling blanket, and when you break free, it wakes you up quite a bit. (Daddy bought a bigger one in a different style and you were out of it and awake in 15 minutes.)
You are growing and changing every day. According to my measurements, you are 26 inches long, and at last check weigh about 15 pounds! You are so wide awake to the world now. You smile and coo and laugh a hearty laugh all the time, especially when Farfar calls you a "gris ungen" or pig baby!
You are so alert and active. You have gotten really good at grabbing your toys when I hold them out to you, and are so close to grabbing your elephant "Ernesto" that dangles down from your play mat. You rolled over this month about 10 times, but then either forgot how, or got too heavy to push over. But I know you'll figure it out again soon. You are so active even in your sleep. I put you down in your crib one direction and when you wake up you have squirmed around 90 degrees.
I love spending the day with you, singing songs, taking pictures, and watching you change and grow. I can't wait to see what the next day will bring.


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