Thursday, November 30, 2006

Sleep Wars

Not long ago, in a pack-n-play not far away...
(That's the second Star Wars reference this week, I am a nerd.)
Well, the Dark Side still reigns as Domingo's sleep aversion shows no signs of stopping. I think it maybe time to move him into the other room. I've decided that I'm probably the one who keeps him up at night. He wakes up a little, sees me, and demands to nurse. Even when he's in the pack and play next to the bed, I think maybe he smells the milk maid and realizes that a free meal is only a scream away.
Now this phenomenon has started affecting his naps as well. Before I at least could catch up on an hour or so while he napped, I'd just sleep in the bed next to him, not so much anymore. Today he was asleep for 20 minutes before he woke up and wanted to nurse. I pretended to be asleep, and he kind of hung out for a few seconds before he let out a huge scream as if to say, "lady, I know you are faking, now make with the milk". So I nursed him, he fell asleep after maybe 1 minute, and then I left. An hour later he's still asleep. Now instead of being in my cozy bed with my sleeping boy, asleep, I'm out here, on the couch, with my smelly dog, writing this post. BLECH.
I think it's also the fact that he's completely out grown the straight jacket. He kicks out of it and squirms his arms out several times a night. Every time he breaks free he wakes himself up. I've tried to leave his legs out, to leave one arm out, tried naps without it completely. He's just not able to stay asleep. So when he breaks out, we have to put him back in, which wakes him up completely. Then he needs to nurse or be rocked back to sleep. I know this is my 17 millionth post on sleep issues, but it really is what my life revolves around these days. I'm so craving a full night's sleep. I love sleep, it's one of my very favorite pastimes, and I'm really good at it. But, here comes the big but, I just don't know if I'm able to let him "cry it out" at this age. He has no self-soothing skills yet. He's just starting to be able to put his hand in his mouth for more than a second, and he still spits out the pacifier more than he sucks on it. And he's not even 3 months old, I think I'll just have to wait it out, and hope it gets better.
So for now, I guess it's sofa city for me during the day, and up all night milk stand at night. I wish I had a happy sappy way to end this post, or at least a witty bon mot, but I'm just too tired to think of one.


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