Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Las Paraguayitas

I know this blog is called "Domi's World", but at casa de Domi, these ladies rule the roost. We hung out with them this weekend (this is a picture from my mom's house in Paraguay) and they are so hilarious. I can't wait until Domi is old enough to play with them. I wonder if they'll boss him around the way my sister and I used to boss around our little brother. Okay, she bossed, I pushed, teased, fought with, and generally made life miserable for the poor guy, but the love was always there! I remember when Leticia and I were in junior high, and he was probably in 2 or 3 grade we would "let" him hang out with us if he made us grilled cheese sandwiches. One time I think he made me scrambled eggs. Come to think of it, he owes us a lot, I think his love of cooking can be traced back to those early days of waiting on us hand and foot so that we'd let him watch Bon Jovi videos with us.
Anyway, it's so great that the twins always have a playmate to hang out with. This weekend they were playing "snow white" and one would take a bite of the poison apple and fall down and the other would come up and kiss her and she'd wake up, then they'd switch. I tried saying that Domi was the prince and hold him over the sleeping one, but this was met with skeptical stares, since he's obviously too little to kiss anyone let alone be a prince on horseback. I hope they'll let Domi into their little circle when he's old enough to offer something other than intermittent smiles and lots of drool. Maybe I should start teaching him how to make grilled cheese sandwiches just in case.


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