Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Day two...

Ok, so maybe magic was a bit optimistic. Yesterday at around 4:30, Domingo had a bit of a melt down. Now I have totally bought into the Weissbluth overtired theory. I believe that babies need to take naps, and can only stay awake for about 2 hours or so before getting overtired. I believe this because this has been my experience. So yesterday after being awake and out and about for around 2 and a half hours, he started crying and didn't stop until he pretty much collapsed from exhaustion. Not good. This morning he kind of did the same thing except without the collapse. So no morning nap. I know it's just the second day, and maybe he's just getting used to the whole thing too, but I'm NOT digging the not sleeping thing. I'm afraid it will affect his night time sleep too, see, because I've bought into the theory that sleep begets sleep.
The nanny is not so much into this theory. She is of the same school of thinking that my parents belong to, i.e., children sleep when they are tired. He's not sleeping he is therefore not tired. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! My four (almost) months of gently to sleep, getting the nap schedule set etc. etc., what's to become of you!! I kind of feel like I've given up my say so in when he should sleep because it's not me who has to hold and jiggle the nearly 20 lbs of baby for an hour while he screams in my ear and still doesn't sleep. I'm also beginning to worry that he'll very quickly weigh even more than that if she keeps giving him bottle after bottle when he's fussy (my stash will run out even faster than I had originally thought at this rate!). But I don't want him to be a fussy (or ginormously obese) baby, and I feel like if he doesn't sleep he will be.
I know it's just day two (I said that already right?) so I should try to keep it together. But it's hard.
Here is a picture I took after they got back from the morning walk. I didn't post the whole picture of Anna because, um, maybe unlike some people, she doesn't want her face out there for all the internets to see, but those are her strong arms holding the "bear"!


Blogger La. Sra. said...

Elena doesn't sleep during the day either but it doesn't seem to bother her at night. I wish she would nap in the day without being on me to sleep.

As for the bottle during the fussing, be firm about that not happening. Let Anna know there's a limit to what he will be fed during the day and one thing that worked for us was giving Elena a bottle of water (we've got RO'd water on our fridge so that's what we used) before and after her bottle and when she fussed b/c she wouldn't take a pacifier and it worked to adjust her to being on the bottle.

My girlfriend's daycare did the same thing with her son and within a month or two she had gone through her stash of milk b/c they refused to not give him the bottle every time he fussed, so she supplemented with formula.

Be firm, but kind, hopefully some kind of understanding can be found for the best for both of you.

I hope work is OK!!!

Love from us

2:38 PM  

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