Wednesday, November 14, 2007

To sleep, perchance to dream...

Remember back at our 14th month update when I made reference to the fact that I was afraid to mention sleep because it had begun to turn around for us? I would be kicking myself in my own butt if I weren't so tired. This is where the Wiesbluthites have me beat. You can't argue with a full nights sleep, especially when you are walking around in a fog so thick you couldn't find a coherent argument if it crawled up your leg and bit you.
If we were hard core, we'd say, "you have a cold, so what? Go to sleep, and you'll feel better." But since we are reluctant crunchy granola everyone sleep together in a big pile-ers, when one of us can't sleep, none of us can sleep. Unless of course that one happens to be me or Chris, in which case, that one has to stay out of the bed and stay awake elsewhere.
The very good news is, it does look like he's making a pretty quick recovery, his snotty nose was not quite a running faucet today, more like a sporadic drip. I was doing some doctor internet stuff last night and one site gave me the average run down of a baby's cold. It said it will usually last, from first runny nose to last junky cough, 4 weeks. Yes, that's right. 4 weeks people. Isn't that crazy! That is like 1/14 of my son's entire life. I'm supposed to be ok with the fact he has to spend 7 percent of his entire life thus far sick? Well, I guess when I put it that way, I wonder if I haven't spent 7 percent of my entire life thus far sick. I don't think so I'm usually pretty healthy, that is when I can get a full nights sleep.


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