Saturday, November 10, 2007

Birthday part Deux!!

So we came to Morris this weekend to celebrate my glorious 30 years circling 'round the sun. We had my FAVORITE meal, bouillabaisse, and a huge cake from Bittersweet my favorite bakery. They can do no wrong, let me tell you. Tia Patricia even came down to Morris for the fun. It was magnifique.
For several years now, I have had to share my birthday with my brother-in-law. In my youth,(as in like 20 minutes ago) this was a source of ever so slight irritation. I mean, it's my birthday, that's MY SPECIAL DAY! (I do feel the slightest bit sad for the girls since they will never know the feeling of a birthday just for them, but there's so much that makes up for that little fact, they only get a second of sympathy.)
But over the years, the fact that there are two birthdays has become just another part of the tradition, like having froofroo frenchy shellfish soup, and singing happy birthday like four times, in Spanish, English, and what ever other language people happen to speak, (one year we had it in German, because it was my, Ian, and our foreign exchange student Ruth's birthday!) and it's great. This year, Domi got in on the fun, and pretty much took a bath in chocolate cake. I'll get some pictures up here I promise, but it was pretty classic. So another terrific birthday bash, even if I had to share it, who better to share it with then family.


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