Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Forever 21

Does the name of that place disturb anyone but me? I'm not turning cartwheels that my 20's are now a memory, but holding on to 21 like it was the peak is just sad.
Thanks to all who called, and sent messages to let me know you were thinking about me today. I really appreciated it, and it meant a lot to me today more than on most birthdays.
Anyway, today I found myself reflecting more about my own mom than on my 30 years of accomplishments, though they are glorious, for example today I got out of bed AND brushed my teeth, I should get a statue. I put Domingo to bed and was standing in the dark really marveling at how my mother did it all. Granted she had help, but I'm still in awe of everything she achieved in her own life and career and with all of us. She is without a doubt, the pillar of strength, the matriarch of the family. And as infuriating as she often times can be (how many times did I hear her say, "Sometimes in life you have to do things you don't want to do, now is one of those times" ? Often enough to make my ears bleed), I have to give credit where credit is due. A doctor, a lawyer, and a PhD (candidate, but he's getting there), who are all happy, healthy, grounded, and extremely close to each other, and to her, that's not too shabby if you ask me.
So today when she called me to wish me a happy birthday I actually congratulated her and thanked her for my birthday. I told her how much I appreciate everything she has done for me, and continues to do for me, and thanked her for being there for me, on my birthday and every day since. I hope I can some day be half the role model for my family as she is for hers. So happy giving birthday mom, you did a nice job. Adelante- la profesora.


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