Sunday, November 04, 2007

Too late for Hallo-wean?

I am seriously doubting my "decision" to continue nursing once I stopped pumping. The theory was to only nurse right before bed, and in the morning when we wake up. While we do do that, the rest of the day has turned into more of a screaming freakout-fest whenever Domi remembers that, "Hey, I like boobs, I got to get me some leche" and then I have to be the bad guy and say no mas leche. He disdainfully throws aside sippy after sippy of delicious milk, points to my chest, lifts up my shirt and with a hilariously serious face frantically signs "more" milk. Yesterday we were hanging out with friends of ours whose baby is 3 months older than Domi and he was signing "more please", maybe I'd be more inclined to lift up my shirt if Domi threw a please in there, but I don't know.
I had put this ridiculous goal of 15 months to get out of the family bed, stop the nursing (especially the middle of the night nursing- groan!) get into shape, and win the nobel prize. Sadly I think the last goal is the most likely of the four. I really wonder about these people who have absolutely no problem weaning, and the kids just wean themselves! How? I have like zero milk supply left, but that does not stop Senor Suckle, he just nurses for ever until probably an ounce is all he gets, then he becomes really annoyed that that's all there is. Stubborn much? He must get it from his father! He is a nursing machine! He has referred to me as "leche". I have a name people!
The 15 month goal came to me because we are going on a trip to Paraguay at Christmas, and I thought, getting rid of the family bed, nursing, and a big trip might be too much for Domi to handle at once. So I thought I'd keep nursing until then, we'd all sleep together in our bed, and that avoids having to travel with the pack and play, and then we'd deal with it upon our return. I'm starting to rethink my brilliant plan. I'm really tired of nursing. Yes, the adoring gaze, the cuddly closeness, and the snuggly contented sighs, but I have enough of those memories, I really do. Now I want my shirt to stay down, my breasts to stay unexposed, and my child to run over and give me a hug without immediately looking up and saying "more milk?"


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