Sunday, January 28, 2007

As smooth as a baby(alligator)'s bottom

What happened to my baby's "baby soft" skin? His little booty is so red and scaly! The pediatrician said it is not diaper rash, so diaper rash cream shouldn't help. But(t), I have been using this zinc and vitamin cream and it seems to help, a little. Otherwise we constantly slather him in Eucerin cream and lotion and Aquafor, butter and whatever else we can slap on him. And he still has itchy patches on his cheeks, his elbows and his bottom. How did this happen? I don't have eczema, neither does Chris. I remember my sister always complaining about this with her kids, but they have a family history of eczema, but this is not supposed to happen to ME!!! There's not much else I can do but keep his nails cut down to the nub and moisturize like there's no tomorrow. Pass the butter!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pueden ser dos cosas.
1. Sequedad de la piel por el ambiente seco, aunque en este caso no se limita a una parte del cuerpo.
2.alergia de contacto, ya que es solamente en sus nalgas. Aunque seria un poco raro, ya que ustedes no cambiaron nada de lo que el bebe usa, verdad? No panal, crema o jabon diferente?
Alguna crema con un poquito de cortisona seria la solucion para alergia.
Para la sequedad del ambiente, un humidificador portatil podria ayudar.

4:38 AM  
Blogger sarah said...

Oh, poor thing! I have to admit, though, the "But(t)" cracked me up.

Hope the butter works!

5:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

everyday i rush to see what is happening in domi's world. obviously i would love to be able to see domi everyday but since that is impossible i still feel as if i can stay in touch. thank you, alice for domi's world and for being such a cool daughter-in-law.

5:57 PM  

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