Wednesday, February 04, 2009

kids stuff

Another installment of kids say the funniest things.
Yesterday Domingo was going on and on, calling Amalia "little television" in English. It was so bizarre, and I could not get him to explain to me why Amalia was a little television. He just kept calling her that, asking Daddy to read a story to him and little television, asking us to play with him and little television. He said mommy put down little television. It was so weird. Maybe he likes to watch her? I have no idea.

Then this weekend, scathing Sofia was doling out some more of her 3rd degree verbal burns. This time Farfar was the victim. He was talking to Sofia, teasing her a little and asking if she would be his girlfriend. She hemmed and hawed for a second and then said, "no, but I'll think about you when you are in heaven".
Then Sofia and Graciela were playing with another little girl in the children's zoo and when we had to leave the little girl walked us to the door saying goodbye, and Sofia turned to her and said "goodbye, you know we'll never see you again."

Who teaches these kids these things?

Sofia also has a history of being a mini Dorothy Parker. Once when Leticia and I were with the kids at Millennium Park playing in the water fountain, Sofia saw a little girl who was running around naked. She asked the girls mother why she didn't have a bathing suit. The woman replied that she had forgotten to pack one. Sofia, without missing a beat said, "yeah, some mommies forget to pack their kid's bathing suits, but most mommies don't." Ouch. From a three year old, that has to smart. Fortunately the woman was good natured and laughed it off. Leticia and I just looked at each other wondering where on earth she comes up with her material before busting out in hysterical laughter.
I felt I had to document this since Leticia is too busy you know, saving lives and having twins to write down some of the hilarious things her children say.


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