Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I know!

Delinquent blogger, I know I know. But it's been so cold!
I'm pledging a Christmas themed monthday post for Domingo tomorrow, but today I just want to post Amalia's giant baby stats.
We took her to the pediatrician, and she got measured and weighed and she is still enormous.
Length: 29 inches
Weight: 20 lbs 15oz
Head circ.: 17 and 7/8 inches
all beyond 95% for girls
Just to compare, Domingo was 21lbs 7oz, 29 inches long, and his "pea head" was 17 and 5/8 inches.
The doctor checked her out and said Amalia is doing great. She is sitting pretty much on her own now, but does keel over after a little bit. She's easily flipping over both ways, but has yet to show any inclination or desire to move. She's sucking her toes with gusto and putting everything she can get her hands on in her mouth. I'm dusting off the old sign language book so we can start figuring out what Amalia is after, because she has made it clear that she knows exactly what she wants and we had better get on it!
Here are some pictures to appease until I can get some more content up!

Amalia figured out the bottle pretty quick, she just didn't like being held and fed. Not surprising that she is not slow when it comes to food!

Freezing weather doesn't hold a lot of interest for mother or daughter.

Napping babies are the best!


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