Friday, February 06, 2009

I ate WHAT?

Amalia is little miss eatsalot these days. She is such a social eater, and when ever people are chewing, she watches their mouths with total concentration. In addition to foodstuff, she will put absolutely anything in her mouth, (you know that boot in the picture is about one second from being gummed like nobodies business!) except oddly enough, strained peas. She spits those out like they're on fire. What a mama's girl.


Blogger Jennifer said...

i was a little concerned that max let her gnaw on a coat rack hook that had fallen off our coatrack while he was babysitting. (it's wooden stick thing with a ball on the end-- not a hook really.) He was like, " But she LIKED IT and she liked bonking me on the head with it TOOO..." Pushover.

10:22 AM  

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