Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Happy 8th Monthday Amalia!!

Amalia, you turned 8 months this week and we have definitely been busy. These month days are just zooming by, I can't believe you are getting so big.
The biggest development this past month is the acquisition of your two new teeth. You have made good use of them, eating just about anything that we put in front of you. I think that more are on the way in the very near future since you are still chomping down on everything in site. Fortunately for me, you learned pretty quickly that biting mama is a no-no and doesn't get you any more milk than before.

You are just starting to show some interest in moving around, and will roll from here to there. You are still not a fan of being on your tummy, so I think the army crawl may not happen with you and you might just scoot on your bottom like tia Leticia. You get frustrated when you can't get something that's just out of your reach, and especially when you know who walks out of the room.

You are starting to clap your hands and play "tortitas para mama" our version of patty cake. You are singing and babbling and laughing all the time. You still say dadadada and squeal and scream. My bet is that when the first real word comes, it will be some version of Domi.

I some times wonder and worry that we don't stimulate you as much as we did with Domingo. There are times when I'll just let you play and explore sitting next to me rather than be constantly talking or singing or signing to you. Sometimes, (like now) you'll be grabbing at me "asking" to be held or nursed and I'll put you off for a minute or five with a toy and a tickle. Fortunately you are so good natured that you'll take it and you never hold it against me. Also I figure that you constantly hear your brother who doesn't stop talking, so you are probably getting as much action as you need.
That said I am going to really try to start the sign language this month, and hopefully enlist your brother's help because honestly if he's doing something it's a sure bet that you want to be doing the same thing.

I am pleased to say that as of this month, mama is still your number one.

I love that when I walk in the room you get so excited you bang your hands up and down in front of you, and if I leave, you push your bottom lip out and start to complain. I admit, it's a good feeling to come home from work and see just how much you missed me. I love snuggling up next to you at night and kissing your sweaty little head. It's true, I didn't think that babies were supposed to sweat, but your little round head will sometimes end up in a puddle over night.

This coming month we have some new adventures in store, with your first plane trip planned, and your first trip to the ocean. I can't wait to see your reaction and am so excited to be there with you.



Blogger KMW said...

she is so cute! What ocean are you traveling too??

7:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are going to South Carolina on Sunday, and I can't wait!

8:13 AM  

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