Thursday, October 02, 2008

We've created a monstro

Domingo is becoming one of "those" dinosaur kids. Abuela got us this book this winter from the science and industry museum when they had an imax movie playing there. Domi loved the book so much that I toyed with the idea of taking him to the museum to see the movie. He wasn't yet two, and we weren't letting him see t.v. yet, and I was afraid that we'd get there pay admission and Domingo would freak out having never been to a theater before, and (as we gleaned from the story book version) there is some dinosaur eating that goes on in the movie. So we decided to take a pass on the "Sea Monsters Prehistoric Adventure." Then recently I found it on Amazon. Is there anything you can't get from the internet?
It's a really cool movie, it's not too long (40 minutes), and while it would've been cool to see it in 3-D, the DVD version has it in Spanish! Domingo would watch it all day if we would let him. The only parts he doesn't like are the "modern day" parts where the paleontologists are digging up the bones. Every time they flash forward to them, Domingo says, "mas monstros del MAR!"
He's seen the movie I think 3 times now, and he already knows the names of all the dinosaurs in the movie. We also finally got this dinosaur book because I was tired of never knowing the names of the dinosaur toys Domi has when he'd ask me. So now we finally know what Ankylosaurus is called! It took Domi about a minute to get that one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

like father, like son-- I remember Chris with all his dinosaur/ mammal etc. etc cards. ordered from TV(?) and in a special plastic box. I wonder where that went...

8:06 PM  

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