Thursday, September 25, 2008

Stat sheet...

We had Domingo's two year appointment this week. And while I normally love our pediatrician, and the office, they've moved to a new location and so far I'm less than bowled over. I mean, the office space itself is very nice, but now you have to pay to park (granted it's only $2, but still) and they have yet to work out some kinks. Mainly, we were left in the exam room with a 3 month old and a 2 year old, who they told us to strip to the diaper, for over an hour. It was outrageous. But that wasn't even the worst part. When Chris went to ask the desk when we could expect to see the doctor (I was getting ready to reschedule because everyone was beginning to melt down and it was perilously close to bedtime by then) the person who was in charge of the charts was SO RUDE! I wasn't there, so I can't say exactly what happened, but Chris is not the most hotheaded person, nor does he have a tendency to exaggerate like I do, so I have to believe it when he said it was completely out of control. So this woman's mistake left us sitting around for over an hour, and on top of it she was obnoxious? Not good.
Of course the doctor came in and was so apologetic, Chris vented and then immediately felt guilty (and he's not even Catholic!) and I was like, ok, can we get on with the exam and shots these guys are fading FAST!
So here are the stats:
Weight: 31 pounds! (between 75-90%)
Height: 36 inches (between 75-90%) -although this measurement is a little iffy since Domingo was NOT into the measuring he was ready to GO HOME! and kept letting everyone know.
Head Circ.:19 5/8 inches (between 75-90%)
BMI: 17 (between 50-75%)
So he's back on the charts for height, his weight is about the same on the curve and his head has now caught up to the rest of his body- no more pea head!! Although people have often said that he has a giant head and I have to inform them that his head was actually small compared to the rest of him! Not anymore!
He got one shot, and finger poke for the lead test, and the nasal flu vaccine, but I think he probably would've preferred the shot. He was freaking out with the nasal thing, and only cried for about 3 seconds after the shot. Then the nurse promised Diego stickers and he was mollified. But of course he kept recounting the horror of the visit "and they gave Domi (which he pronounces 'Nomi') a shot and Domi cried and cried and then Domi got a sticker with 'Biego' and baby jaguar"
They also gave us this questionnaire to see if he's developing on track. And as far as I can tell, he's right on track, but the language questions are really telling. They ask if he can put two words together, and to give an example of putting three words together in a sentence like "mama go home". My example of what he said to me this morning when I was filling out the form was "I want Mama to put Amalia in her chair right now." He speaks in complete multipart sentences, he used past and present and future tense (he will often threaten me, if I don't do X, Domi will cry, yeah tough luck kiddo) he does not stop talking EVER! And now he's starting to take off in English.
I was a little disappointed that there wasn't a more complete social/physical part of the questionnaire, because I really am curious to see how Domingo is relative to other kids his age in other areas, because I think he may be behind the curve a bit on things like sharing, playing together- not just parallel playing, and he is actually still pretty clumsy. He will just fall randomly, and stairs still give me nightmares even though he's getting better, he is just a bit of a klutz.
That said, his tackle is outstanding.
We are in Morris and last night we went to play with the twins and Domi's new game is tackle the primas. He loves them so much and gets so excited to play with them, but the only game he knows is "take them down". He runs at them puts his head down and plows into them at the waist. It is incredibly effective for taking out a girl a little taller than you and exactly your same weight. Graciela, the object of one of these hits was on the ground complaining that she couldn't move. We kept saying "push Domingo off of you" and she said "I'm trying, but he's just too heavy!" We have to work on their dodging. That is their advantage, they are much faster and more agile, but what he lacks in speed he makes up for in mass. I am completely amazed that we left without tears last night. (Well, Amalia cried, but I was sure that one of the kids was going to have head trauma!)
They had a great time, and there is more Corn Fest-y goodness to come tonight! So I'm sure I'll have pictures and stories to come.


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