Sunday, September 14, 2008

Whirlwind weekend

We had another great and fun-filled weekend.
We started by heading out to Morris on Thursday morning, just mama, Domi and Amalia. We've done this trip three times now, leaving Chris, pig in the city. (just kidding, I'm only slightly jealous of his all night sleepathons alone, slightly) It's worked out really well. I get some help and company during the day for at least a day or two, it splits up the week really well, Domingo gets to hang out with his primas who he adores, he gets to play outside (usually) and we get fed and cleaned and housed and I don't have to do any of it! It is pretty awesome I must admit. The only thing that would make it better is if Chris was with us.
This week, we got the added bonus of hanging out with tio Gustavo. He made delicious dinners Thursday and Friday. Hopefully they'll show up on his food blog. And even though Domingo has been going through a mama phase and does NOT want anything to do with anyone that is not mama, I think he had a really good time with tio. We went to the zoo, played in the pool, went to IKEA, and played and watched Dora all with tio, something we don't often get to do. It was a super long visit and we got to see him a bunch which makes me so happy. He also got the important task of guiding little Amalia's soul as her Godfather, along with tia Hez, so that is a good thing too!
Then on Friday Chris took the train down to meet us for an overnight stay, then we came back up to the city on Saturday for a day of birthday parties.
First our friend's daughter Charlotte turned two, just a week and a day after Domingo. We went to their house for a really nice party, where Domi got to play with all kinds of new toys and chase after the first real live kitty he's ever seen. She scratched him on the hand and he has been talking about it ever since. He talks about his "nana" (boo boo) and how the cat said mreow, and scratched him but he wanted to touch the cat very softly. He kept trying to give the other cat little plastic toys saying it was milk for the kitty. It was all too sweet.
Then we went to the second party of the day at Abuelo's favorite restaurant, Tango Sur. And with only a 45 minute nap under his belt, Domingo did really well I must say.
He played with the primas, hugging them around the waist and head butting them as they tried to dance. Sofia kept looking at Domingo with a bemused look, eventually saying "NO Domi!" and putting her hand up. To which Domingo looked confused and said "Si?" We've got to teach this kid about boundaries.
But we had a very delicious meal, and left just as both of the kids were melting down. Luckily that place is so loud I don't think anyone really noticed. We did leave some toys from the Domingonian collection at the restaurant. That's what you get for loaning them out to a prima at the other end of the table. But that just reminds me of one time the girls were over and they were playing in the nursery. One of them said "hey, this belongs at our house!" I would not be surprised if she had made a sweeping gesture encompassing the entire room. If you don't count diapers, I'd say 99% of the stuff in there had indeed belonged at their house at one point in time.
So, next time Domingo asks for the hippo, or camel, or dinosaur that was left behind, I'll just say look at the 300+ toys you do have, all from your primas. (something tells me that won't be much comfort).
Then today we said adios to tio Gustavo after a delicious but fast breakfast at Tweet, my new favorite place for brunch. The place isn't new, I just had never been until somewhat recently, and it's so awesome, and really close to our place.
Domingo behaved really really well, Amalia did too for the most part, and I got to scarf down a very yummy breakfast on Abuelo's dime! Excellent.
Unfortunately I have zero pictures of all this excitement, and am still waiting for someone else to come through with pictures from last weekend, but promise to get some up here as soon as I can!


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