Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Labor Day

Ah, Labor day, what a wonderful way to honor mothers. Here's to all of us laborers!
We had a really nice long weekend up in Michigan with a quick side birthday trip to South Bend.
But first we did some fun stuff before we left.
Thursday night Amalia went to her very first cubs game. Domi got to stay home and play with tia Hez, and he was pretty pleased about that.

Despite the pink pants, people still asked what "his" name was.
Amalia did pretty well at her first game. She fussed until the Ramirez hit a grand slam and then, when victory was certain, she conked out.

We were at the game courtesy of Amalia's friend baby Polly, who is a much better baseball fan than Amalia. She smiled the whole time, and held her head up high, not like slouchy-grouchy magee over here.

However, this is what happens when you buy jerseys with players names on them. I think this guy was traded well before Polly became a fan.

Then Friday, we hung out with tio Gustavo, had Pho for lunch, and went to the zoo. This is the only picture I took, because I'm an idiot. (But also because I was strapped to Amalia in like 90+ degree weather and my brain was frying).

I'll get more of tio and the babes when I go to Morris tomorrow, and when he comes up for the baptism this weekend.

Then it was up to the lake for the weekend.

Despite copious applications of sunscreen, and a "sunbuster" outfit, Domi got his first ever sunburn. It was on his shoulders where the sunscreen must have rubbed off from picking him up or something, because his face and lower arms and legs were as lily white as ever. I felt terrible, but by the next day it was gone.
The other skin ailment my poor child was suffering from was a horrible looking rash, I think the culprit was Roseola infantum. Luckily, once the nasty looking rash appears, the illness is no longer infectious, and it looks like Amalia was spared. I blame the doctor's office, since we had no other way of catching this virus. We took Domi to Amalia's check up and he got sick the next day. Poor baby.

But despite all that, he had a wonderful time, and did NOT want to get out of the water, or out of this little kayak that is up at the cottage.

(day after the sunburn, we doubled up on the sun-busting outfits, AND sunscreen)

And I think Amalia had a good time too. She mostly slept, and spent time in just a diaper, but I think she likes the fresh air.

Baby asleep.

Baby awake!

I can't believe summer is officially over. I am in complete denial. But September promises to be super-fun-packed, and in Chicago, the heat can last well into October, so we'll just have to wait and see.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amalia looks so pretty! She's way cuter than Domi was at that age. (Lo siento mi hijo, pero es verdad!)

11:47 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love seeing Amalia in her little Cubs outfit! She looks beautiful and alert! Can't wait to see her in person again. xo Sally

2:34 PM  

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