Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Going Batty

Both because Amalia (I think) has outgrown her dose of reflux medicine and therefore has been screaming pretty much non-stop for the last three days, and because this afternoon there was a loud thump at the window and I looked and saw this little fellow.

Chris came home and wanted to get a better picture, but the dirtiness of the window is on the outside. He opened the door after convincing me that if the bat so much as moved an eyelash he'd close the door immediately. I then convinced Chris that a bat flying around in the middle of the day and thumping into our window is probably not the healthiest little bat in the belfry. But, he's very cute and Domingo named him Alfonso (I suggested it, he said yes that's his name).
Domingo has been saying some really funny things lately too. Mostly he talks about the cat that scratched him at Charlotte's house, and that he wants to go to Charlotte's house to play with that cat, and touch him softly softly, and that he went to Charlotte's house and wanted to play with the monkey and fox (Boots and Swiper for all you Dora fans) and when mama wouldn't let him, he started to cry. He says all this in the 3rd person, narrating what is sure to be the novelization of his traumatic childhood. "And the Domi wanted to play with that monkey and fox, and mama said its time to go, and Domi cried and cried." (which isn't even true by the way, he didn't cry at all!)

Big baby!

Now the one who did cry and cry was little miss Amalia.

We will reweigh her this weekend, and ask Dr. Ian what the proper dose on the reflux meds should be and hopefully that will return her to the somewhat happy baby we had before. She's never been what I'd call an easy baby (except those first few "freebee" weeks) but she went from a little fussy, to sounds like I'm branding her with a red hot poker a few hours everyday. Needless to say, I'm a little fried by the end of the day.

Now, from the department of lost causes: Domingo is sleeping in his BIG BOY BED!! Not at night of course, but for a week, at nap time, every day. I say hooray! Baby steps right? Some day he'll be sleeping there so much I'll have to yell at him to get out of bed, but that day is a loooong way off I'm sure.


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