Thursday, October 09, 2008

Stat sheet...

Amalia had her 4 month check up a little early this time around. But never fear, she's still as enormous as ever. Here are the numbers with the percentages based on other 3.5 month olds.
Weight: 15 pounds 10.5 ounces (90%)
Length: 25.5 inches (>95%)
Head Circ.: 16.5 inches (75-90%)

The doctor saw me in the waiting room and said, "She is not allowed to wait!" I laughed and said we had just got there. She gave me the follow up on what happened with the rude employee that caused us to wait over an hour last time and was totally obnoxious with Chris. The doctor said that when she asked the employee about what had happened she was very inappropriate in her response. So the manager was brought in and they had a long discussion, and she's been much better since then. So our concerns were taken seriously. Like Chris said, it wasn't something personal, and it's not even like we are so high maintenance, but you come to expect a certain level of courtesy when you go to any professional office, and this was just so outrageous that we had to say something. Chris and I are both actually pretty non-confrontational (kind of funny for lawyers) so you know it had to be a big deal for us to even mention it.
Then to the good stuff. Amalia is doing great. She is growing right along her (large) curve, she is doing everything she is supposed to be doing. She's even getting better at tummy time, which she usually hates with a white hot passion. Now she'll tolerate it for a minute or two, and lifts her head up without a problem. Her head is still just a little wobbly, but her neck is getting stronger every day. She has long stretches of time without crying, and laughs and smiles and "talks" all day long. Her day sleep is still a little fragmented, partly I think because we go on walks and to the park and she falls asleep in the stroller, but partly because she's just a very naughty baby. But at night she's a trooper, only wakes up 2 or 3 times max. and just nurses quickly and goes back to sleep. She never cries, and never wakes her brother or dad only a few inches away. I can't complain. She gets up for the day around 8 or 9 and then we are off to the park while the weather is still nice. We upped her reflux medicine based on her weight, and the doctor said that usually 4-6 months is the worst for reflux, and then around 6 or 7 months her digestive system will have matured some more and the sphincter above her stomach will have gotten tighter so she won't need to take the medicine any more!


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