Monday, January 28, 2008

Road to recovery

So I feel like I won't be jinxing myself too badly if I say that Domi is on the road to recovery. He still has many moments of mama-oopa mama-oopa (up mama) freak outs, but he is definitely improving. This weekend was pretty much a bust, we just hung out inside and tried to survive, but today Domingo and I met Leticia and the primas at the children's museum and I think he had a pretty good time. He kept coughing and crying; I think it makes his ear hurt since he was pulling on it quite a bit. But he only needed to be held 80% of the time, which, trust me, is better. And he found a new best friend.

The other true indicator is that he got a bit of his appetite back today. For the last three days he's been living off leche, jugo, and what remains of his baby fat. I was starting to get a little distressed that even bunnies and clementines were not tempting, but this today in addition to his leche and jugo, he ate some yogurt and granola, asked for bunnies, ate a clementine, had some of my chicken sandwich, and even asked for some toast with jam, a sure sign he's on the mend.

Although it was kind of a misnomer, Domi had his "well-child" visit recently and I have some numbers to post before I forget completely.
Domingo is still quite long 33 and 3/4'' (95%); but slimming down, maybe from all this running, but also from being sick I'm sure, 25lbs 1oz(75%); his head hasn't changed, but I guess it's fine, still 19'' (75%). The doctor was a little shocked when she asked if he had 5 or 6 words besides mama and dada, and we told her about how many more. I hate to be one of "those" mothers, especially since I really don't feel like it's bragging (or don't mean to at all), but I counted all the words he can intelligibly say at 16 and a half months, and it is well over one hundred. He is a very verbal child, hopefully he'll continue, although currently the bulk of his communication consists of (like I said) mama oopa, mama oopa.

Despite all the whining, coughing, back strain and ear aches, I think we had a pretty good day. Definitely a pretty good day.


Blogger KMW said...

I can't believe how big and grown-up he is!!

5:35 PM  

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