Sunday, April 15, 2007

Hard Knock Life

We had a fun and eventful weekend. Saturday Leticia, the twins, and my parents came into the city to go to the Field Museum and then to Devon for Indian, it was so tasty! At the museum we saw this performance by Maori dancers. It was interesting and very moving. I found myself getting choked up watching the dancers sing and perform (not the part when the awkward old white guys got on stage). These people were in town trying to get pieces of their cultural history back from the museum, and sharing an exotic and beautiful ritual dance with a crowd of strangers half way around the world. Remarkable.
Then today we went out to the Park of Oak to visit with tia Jennifer, tio Max and the primos. Olso and Ruby got to frolic at tia's house while we went to brunch and then the park. By the time we got back, Oslo was trapped in upstairs in Theo's room, howling and crotchety as ever. No one knows how he got there and how the door got closed behind him.
All in all a very nice weekend, except, oh yeah, on Saturday, after we got back home from the day's excursions, I was getting Domingo out of the car and whoops! Down I went baby and all.
(Can I just say as an aside that the VW Jetta, while a terrific car when one is single and sassy, and completely functional as a newlywed traveling across country, totally and completely sucks as a car for babies. The entire minuscule backseat is taken up by the gigantic "big boy" car seat that has to remain rear facing until world's chubbiest baby turns 1, and it is well-nigh impossible to get him in the car turned around and strapped in in the 3 square centimeters of available space back there. I blame the fall on that efficient, sleek, German engineering. Farfegnugen my fat A.)
I slipped and fell and thumped my head on the garage floor. Thank goodness I was with it enough to keep D from falling. As I blinked back to coherence, I looked up and saw the bemused look on his face and knew he was fine. I only wish I could say the same for the giant lump on my head!
(Another aside, but doesn't Domi look like Chris in this picture? The hair line is identical!!)


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