Thursday, March 22, 2007

Out of the mouths of babes

No new photos, but I'm afraid I've hit a new low. In a classic, "I have no idea what to make for dinner" moment, I decided to take the sweet potatoes out of my baby's mouth. I made a delicious, nutritious, QuornTM patty sandwich and mashed sweet potatoes. I had every intention of using the sweet potatoes to make Alice's patented, farm-fresh organic baby food, but I hadn't gone to the grocery store in a while, and I was running out of grown up food. So I ate my baby's FOOD! How could I? Answer: I was hungry.
In my defense, I did make him some sweet potatoes earlier this week, and he really likes them. I have some squash too, and if it survives my own desire for squash soup, (chances are good since the weather has been so nice recently!) he may get that next week. My only concern is how to save all the left over baby food that I make. I read somewhere to freeze it in ice cube trays, but that seems like kind of a pain. Hmm, then again I could just BUY baby food. Heaven forbid that I don't give in to my crushing mommy guilt and buy a preprepared jar of food. I mean I'm not making cereal. What's that? I could make my own cereal? oh crap. He also is much more into the oatmeal rather than the rice cereal, I can't grow my own oats people.


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