Saturday, July 05, 2008

TWO WEEKS! and Happy Fourth of July!

Amalia is two weeks old today. Phew! We did it! Oh wait, you mean there's more?
She's actually doing great. I think at her doc. appointment this week she will have more than surpassed her birthweight. She is a super eater just like Domingo was. Man, if there is one thing my children know how to do, it's eat. Sleeping, sharing, and wearing clothes, that is another story, but eating has not yet been a problem. Which is why I was so shocked when the pediatrician (not our favorite who is out on maternity leave) told me that I had to start waking Amalia to eat every 2 to 2.5 hours because she still wasn't back at her birth weight. Yeah, that happened, what was the old adage about waking a sleeping baby? Oh, right, YOU DON'T!!! So she wakes herself up when she's hungry, which during the day is unfortunately every 3 hours or so, and at night is closer to every 2. (Besides, everything I've read -thanks dr. google, says that it can take some babies upto 2 weeks to get back to their birth weight, and she was just 3 ounces off) Hopefully this pattern won't last forever, but through my bleary sleep-deprived eyes it feels like it will be.
My other fountain of complaints comes from this old bag of bones. Let me just say, the old grey mare, she ain't what she used to be. I seem to remember two weeks after Domi was born having dropped 22 pounds and marveling at my body's ability to turn ice cream into weight loss. Of course it stopped pretty quickly after that and I remained 10 pounds or so over my pre-Domi weight, but still. This time two weeks post, the scale remains stubbornly 14 pounds over my pre-Amalia weight- I've only lost 14 pounds. Granted, I'm SURE at least 5 of those pounds have redistributed themselves to my chest, because seriously people, I look absurd and constantly smell like milk -blech. But still that leaves a good 17 pounds that has got to go. That and this kangaroo pouch that remains when I try to look at my toes. I realize it's a little soon to start thinking about strenuous workout plans and I am still on an ice cream every night diet, but after having spent the last two and a half years either pregnant or nursing, I really would like to take charge of my body. I know it'll be another year at least (hopefully) of nursing, but I want to be done with as much extra weight as possible since the longer it stays on, the harder it is to take off. I vividly remember last time around how hard it was to get back to running, my rib muscles were sore! But this time, since there was no bedrest, hopefully I haven't fallen into such terrible disrepair, and it won't be so bad. I'm starting up my no impact exercises that I was doing while pregnant, so we'll see if I can keep it up.
Finally, I hope everyone had a great fourth of July! I was just thinking about it, and it's really one of my favorite holidays-(besides the food ones obviously). Here are some pictures of us enjoying a true midwestern Fourth complete with sugary drinks, pig judging, and of course fireworks.


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