Thursday, November 29, 2007

The last stretch

Well it's coming to the end of NaBloPoMo, only today and tomorrow left, and what have I learned? About life, love, brain cramps. Well, not exactly, but it was a good exercise to force me to write every day, even if it was just "day in the life" type things. I know that other people appreciate it even if they DON'T COMMENT (BOO, HISS!) because they comment to me personally and say as much. Besides, as I began this month, I explained that I don't do this blog entirely for other people (and their validating comments). I do it for me, for a creative outlet, for an emotional release, for a flexible, interactive record of Domingo's first fleeting days on this planet, while he'll still let me snuggle his neck chub, nip at his toes, and blow the hair off of his forehead and laugh at the joke.
I do worry sometimes that documenting every little slip and tumble and giggle and snort will leave us without much of an oral history, or amorphous hazy recollections of the way things were. We will just say, "well, let's set the record straight, Autobot, look up archive from November 2007 on the virtuoscreen and we'll see exactly who sang Rhinestone Cowboy that year at Thanksgiving."
But then I figure, it's not every moment that makes the very discriminating D-World cut, and even if the big ones do, it's just my version of events, it's not the definitive one. And maybe it's better to save the banal along with the spectacular so I can't look wistfully back and say things that are in no way true, i.e. "Ah, remember law school? Those were the days."
So, once again, we'll see how long this will last. And as always, thanks for reading.


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