Saturday, November 24, 2007

Babes of a feather

One thing that Domi has started recently is being totally into his cousin Theo. At Grandma's this weekend, he would see pictures of Theo and yell Theo Theo! And when pushed, he'd say Freya, but nothing can distract him for long from his Theo worship.
They actually have a lot in common besides having the same middle name. They are both devilishly handsome, are totally into all mechanical things and figuring out how they work, they love babies (except in Domi's case it's more of a love for looking at pictures of himself and yelling BABY!), have giant kissable smoochers, as you can see from the pic., and are both wild boys!
Tonight at Tia Hez's house we had dinner with all those guys, and Domi was just watching his cousin in awe. He would crawl after him yelling Theo, Theo! Theo was only too happy to blow Domi's little mind by running around acting like a maniac. All this adoration comes with a price though, Theo wanted to play chess with tio James, and Domi wanted to play along, so decided to raze the chess board every time they tried to set up the pieces. Poor Theo had to endure something he's never had to before, having someone else be the baby.
I know that I was going on about how great it is that Domi will grow up with the twins, and will have a lot in common with them, but it's also great that he has some older cousins too, who can show him the ropes, teach him how to do fun things, and take care of him too. He's already caught on to that I think.


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