Tuesday, November 25, 2008

5th monthday!! Late edition

Amalia, Friday you turned 5 months! You are such a big wonderful girl. As we reported last month, you really turned a corner and are now for the most part a very mellow fuss free darling. You still can work up a righteous fury when you feel it's warranted, but those times are so few and far between these days, that we really can't complain. Although at times you can be quite a mama's girl, you still light up when Papa comes into the room. Even if he can't always get you to fall asleep.
before sleep attempt:

after sleep attempt:

As for new tricks or "milestones" as the pediatrician's are calling them these days, you've flipped over a few times from your tummy to your back, and are really close to getting it going the other way too. You get 3/4 of the way over but your chubby little arm gets in the way.
You've definitely learned about "object permanence", or at least mama permanence. When I leave the room you scream and I come running back. The system works.

You are so into putting things in your mouth these days, your hands, feet, toys mama's hair, what ever it is, it needs to be in your mouth! And when you aren't stuffing it, you are using it to talk about everything. You babble and chatter to yourself or your brother all day long. Speaking of Domi, you cannot get enough of that kid. When ever he's around, you are looking at him and he is usually happy to entertain you.

You are growing like a weed. We haven't had an official weigh in/height check recently but I'd estimate you are around 18 pounds and I can't really guess how long. Maybe 27 inches? With your brother I'd get out my tape measure, but now every time I get it out, Domingo steals it from me and tries to wrap it around someone's neck, yours, mine, his, it doesn't matter as long as someone's getting strangled.

See you are almost as tall as tia Sally!

This coming month will bring lots of firsts. I'm looking forward to your first Thanksgiving, your first Christmas, and your first New Years. What I'm a little less excited about is that this will be our last month together 24 hours a day 7 days a week. This is probably a good thing for all involved, I'll be going back to work only part time, and I'll be home more days than I am away, but still. I'm nervous, worried, anxious, apprehensive, and any other synonym for uncertain that you can think of.
But I'm going to look forward to this month, relish every minute, even the screamy ones, and make the most of each day. I owe that to both of us.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Amalia - you are just beautiful! I think you will be longer than I am pretty soon! Little Liam has a way to go on that score. Have a wonderful t'giving with everyone. love, tia sally

6:30 AM  

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