Wednesday, November 19, 2008

In the thick of it

We are in the middle of nanny-search 2008 and it is totally stressing me out. I feel like I am way ahead of the game compared to last time around, and don't really think we need an agency and the corresponding money drain, but it's still completely nerve racking.
Amalia on the other hand, remains surprisingly calm.

I want one of the interviews to come by when they are like this, Amalia conked out on the floor, and Domingo paralyzed by Diego, insane amounts of crap all over the apartment. I'm sure it's a welcoming picture that screams "Great work environment!". I mean if their own mother treats them like this, what can she possibly expect from a babysitter? Answer: a lot more, you're getting paid.

Actually Amalia fell asleep as I was taking off Domingo's coat and wet pants (snow on the slide! so cold, so unbearable cold.) so I had to get a picture before I attempted the foolish foolish move to her bouncy seat.
We are starting to run out of gas with the bouncy seat as she's so heavy her butt hits the floor and there's not much bounce. Poor thing. So we're putting her to sleep in the pack and play (or the bed at night) until she's rolling around. Which is coming asap. She rolled again from her tummy to her back, and was so so close to rolling from her back to her belly, I just gave her a teeny push and she was over. I think in the next week or so she'll be rolling all over the place. She's still no where near sitting on her own, her giant head is so heavy it tips her over in less than a second.

Who's head are you calling giant? Why don't you look in the mirror lady pumpkin head.

There are also fewer and fewer snaps of Domingo I'm noticing in my iphoto, I think the culprit is that he's so mobile compared to Amalia's stationary existence that he's too hard to capture on (digital) film. So here's an old one:

Amalia was wearing this one yesterday, and every time I think she's the chubbiest baby on earth, I remind myself that this was taken in December when Domingo was 3 months, Amalia is nearly 5.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, that old one of Domi takes me back!! xo Papi

11:12 AM  

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