Monday, November 10, 2008

Happy belated 26th monthday!

Domingo, last week you turned 26 months. Due to a bunch of stuff happening,namely life, I am late again in documenting it.
I have once again been aging you beyond your months and have been saying you were 26 months for a while now. You are constantly amazing me that you seem much older than your months. I'm not the only one either, this month when we were in line waiting to vote, a man asked me how old you were and when I told him he couldn't believe it and said he thought you were probably around four. Now granted, this guy probably doesn't hang out with a lot of two year olds, or four year olds, but the point is, you are such a smart, talkative friendly little boy, people respond to you in only positive ways, and think you are great. Your family and friends are probably a little sick of me waxing on and on about just how great, but here I go again.

You are still such a sweet little boy, it really helps to even out the times when you you are less so. My favorite thing that you do recently is when you say you want a "snuglet", it's your way of saying you want a hug or to cuddle. It's so gut wrenchingly adorable it always makes me stop and grab you and smother you with kisses. I don't know where the word came from, I think papa or I said it once, or called you a snuglet and the term stuck. You say you want a snuglet when you want a quick squeeze, you say you want to snuglet when you want a more extended cuddle. These are not the only words you have been inventing lately. Because your English is not as advanced as your brain, you will make up words in English by chopping off the Spanish endings. Like tio James says, Spanish is just English with an o on the end, you think English is just Spanish without the ending. You'll say things like "mir" instead of mirar, or quier instead of quiero. It's pretty funny.
One of the less endearing things that you say these days is "Que te pasa mama?" I know you are trying to ask me what's the matter, but it comes out sounding like "what's your problem mama". Adding insult to injury, you are usually asking this after you have clocked me in the head with a toy or your elbow and I have said "ouch". An ouch will always elicit a "que te pasa". I have tried to see if that is a phrase that I use and I don't think it is.

You have been a musical child for a long time now, singing songs and getting funky when a song you like comes on the stereo, but your new obsession is Peter and the wolf. We got this book from Tia Sally a long time ago and you really liked it. I started singing the songs that go with the characters and you wanted me to do them more and more. So we found the DVD of this old Disney cartoon that I loved when I was little, and you watched it and asked to see it probably 20 times. Now at night before you go to sleep, and in the morning when you wake up you sing "el cancion de pedro" "el cancion de abuelo" and "el cancion de los casadores". When I start humming one of the tunes, you say no mama I don't want the duck's song.
You continue to be so loving and sweet towards your "hermanita". You always ask why Amalia is crying, you love it when she "talks" and ask about what she is saying. You play this game called "ooga ooga ooga" that you invented. You bear crawl over your poor sister's supine body saying ooga ooga ooga. She usually laughs or tries to grab you as you go by or sometimes just looks perplexed. I love that you guys are interacting all on your own, and even though you can sometimes get a little grabby, you are always gentle. Even when your face looks like this:

Another new development that has occurred this month is you are one step closer to POTTY TRAINING!! And a good thing to, hopefully you won't have to move up to depends before it happens. It has become so much easier to change your diapers than a few months ago. While you still only want me to do it, much to your father's delight, it is no longer a struggle. And the other day you even told your tia Leticia who was watching you that you wanted a clean diaper. That's progress my dear.

practicing being santa claus.

The specter of potty training and having to take you to the potty 20 times a day is also keeping up with our other looming milestone: Preschool. Your papa and I went to a preschool/elementary school fair this weekend and I entered the gymnasium with such a profound sense of dread that I almost didn't make it. There are so many choices, so many parents just like us, wanting the absolute best most perfect start for their little angels and there are only so many spots that it gives me hives. Then when we left I was slightly heartened because we have taken the first step in the right direction. But, of course soon after, there was the realization that came first to the pit of my stomach, that you are not a little baby any more. Soon you will be going to preschool, or daycare and preschool, then school and then college. I saw your childhood flash before my eyes and I want it to slow down! I don't want you to grow too fast, I want to savor every moment of your snuglety goodness.

Halloween was pretty awesome this year too. Like I said, it was a milestone I wasn't expecting, and I felt like the parent of a child rather than a baby for the first time.
In these last few months of my maternity leave, we are doing some really fun things, like the aquarium, the zoo, the Field Museum, that you call the dinosaur bones museum, and your curiosity and wonder are contagious. I have so enjoyed this precious time with you, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.

Finally it was this past month that there was a very big moment that occurred in this country. I'm sure when you are older, we'll have to explain why it was such a big deal that an African American was elected president. I am at a loss for words at how incredible and wonderful it is that you will never remember a time when this was an impossibility. And that this year, this time, people came together and showed exactly what it is that makes this the greatest country in the world.


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