Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Amazing baby tricks

The child who eats while sleeping.

Actually, I can do this too if I'm hungry enough and tired enough. He was so tired yesterday, (two days in the last 3 he either had no nap or an abbreviated and interrupted one)he all but fell asleep in his corn. He took an early nap, 12:15 and slept until 3:00. If it wasn't for Amalia crying I think he might have slept longer, we'll see what happens today. I like the naps that last until 4 or 5 even if they don't start until 2 or 3. But I'm totally selfish that way. Also I want him to sleep for him, and his brain, and my brain!

In other news, Domingo was running around the apartment yesterday singing "Happy Birthday Mr. Goat cheese!" over and over and over again. He's inherited his mother's gift of song. He also gave rousing renditions of Happy birthday Mr. stegosaurus, and every other dinosaur whose name he knows (I think there are like 15) and then melted in a puddle of giggles. Now he's running around his room saying the octopus is "pulpando" I guess a translation could be he is "octopussing". Domingo loves making up words in both English and Spanish, especially action words like octopussing, I mean what else would an octopus do? How else would he move?

Amalia is so close to flipping over from her back to her belly, I think the only thing that's stopping her is the fact that she hates to be on her tummy.

She's expanded her diet from just milk to some meat. Or more likely, some toxic plastic.

Amalia flipped from her tummy to her back today. I think once she figures out she can mobilize by rolling, she'll be all over it. She is already pretty mobile just by squirming around on her back, I think the days of plopping her on the floor without a worry that she'll get into trouble are numbered!


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