Monday, July 21, 2008

Very First Monthday!!

HORRAY! Amalia it's your first Monthday! Only a short month ago today you looked like this! We have lots to report. The last month has been quite a whirlwind. We've been super lucky to have had so many places to crash this past month. We went to Abuela's house first for two weeks, then came home for a little while before going out to South Bend and then the cottage in Michigan. We had such a wonderful time.

At 4 weeks, already a beach bum.

You had so many people wanting to hold you that you spent your first month pretty much going from arms to arms.

You spent the majority of this month asleep, but sadly for mama, in short increments. That's ok, I'm sure once you're a teenager we'll get lots of sleep.
You are eating like a champ and are growing right before my eyes! You were already over 8 lbs at our last doctor visit two weeks ago, and I can tell you are much bigger. You graduated from N diapers into size 1 and are filling those up NO problem!
Thank goodness there is no baby prom, because you have a case of cradle cap and baby acne, what's a gal to do? Maybe regular bathing might help?

I seem to recall Domingo being bathed very regularly early on, (what else did we have to do) but you my dear will have to get used to not getting the 100% undivided attention of your parents 100% of the time. Such is the lot of the second child. Both your father and I can sympathize, but it doesn't change anything!
But even if the baths are sporadic, you are still quite a beauty. You vacilate between looking like an angry gnome who is afraid we are stealing your gold, and a sleeping angel.

It's been such a wonderful month, I'm a little scared for what's to come. I know that it's going to get a little trickier, especially because this is going to be your fussiest time coming up (hopefully).

Papa goes back to work tomorrow, and a real adventure for us begins. We'll try and make sure that Domingo and I keep you entertained.
Your tia Leticia gave me some really good advice that has helped me put this early very hard time in perspective. It goes by really fast, and then it's over, forever, so enjoy it. So I am. I am really enjoying and relishing every possible moment, even the all night feeding sessions.

You'll see we're a good bunch of folks, even if we do put baby in the corner!

Finally, I know this blog is called Domi's world, don't worry we're getting around to updating that. But when the only sleep I get looks like this:

I hope you can cut me a little slack. But really I wouldn't have it any other way.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you SOOOO much for taking the time to blog on---- When we can't be in the vicinity it is a joy share in the fun via pictures and writing== no doubt you heard baby frostic is a boy baby--still in utero, of course. lots of love to everyone! Sally

7:26 PM  
Blogger Alice said...

Sally what wonderful news! We are so thrilled. Yes, as long as I can get around to it, I'll keep up the blog for you guys who aren't near by as well as for me!

1:16 PM  

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