Thursday, July 31, 2008

A most eventful day

Holy CARP!
Yesterday was quite a loo loo.
It started bright and early at 5:30 when Domingo decided to stop spinning and kicking in bed and wake up. Then he and Chris left the girls for some beauty sleep, only to discover the air conditioner in the (as it's now called) nursery had gone haywire and spit water all over the carpet. So we called maintenance to come unclog what ever was messed up and bring a giant fan to dry the carpet.
Then Chris went off to work and Domingo decided to lock himself in our bedroom. I was nursing Amalia and heard the door close and then some chatter from the other side of the door. I got up and turned the knob only to have my stomach fall out of my body.
Domingo had locked the bedroom door and was clamoring for more milk. I kept asking him to turn the knob to open the door and I'd get him more milk. I heard the knob turning, but the door wouldn't open.
I had to call maintenance again, this time a great deal more panicky, to free my child from my bedroom. Domingo was fine, just a little startled to see a strange guy with tools on the other side of the door. It turned out this door was different than the other doors in the apartment and has one of those turning things not just a button that pops the door open when you twist. Chris kept saying, don't panic, I'm sure there's an easy way to open the door, just wait for maintenance. The maintenance guy was like, "you have to be really careful, these doors are impossible to get open from the outside." HA! But my moral victory was cold comfort for some reason.

I was genius enough to make Chris turn the knob to the other side so Domingo can't lock himself in the room again. I will feel smug up until the point when Domingo locks me in the bedroom from the outside. Then I will feel like an idiot, but maybe then I'll be able to get some sleep, or go to the bathroom by myself for once.
Unfortunately, Amalia must have picked up on all the angst and excitement because last night she was out of control! She cried from about 6 until about 9:00 and the only thing that would soothe her was to be held, but not by anyone but me. How is that possible? She was fussy like this the night before too, just not to the same extent.
I remember through a delirious and hazy fog that Domingo had a period of weeks of calm before the storm, I vividly remember the night before his baptism (5 weeks) he was up crying ALL NIGHT, and slept like a little cherub the whole next day through the entire ceremony. The priest thought I had drugged him.
I'm hoping against hope that Amalia is just nearing her 6 week fussiness peak(six weeks will be Saturday, but six weeks from her due date wouldn't be for another 2 weeks), but who knows. Maybe I just thought Domingo was particularly fussy and he was actually just normal and Amalia is going to be the same. If so, please someone shoot me right now.
Ok, fine. Don't shoot me.
I know we'll get through it, don't ask me how, but now since everyone's finally asleep, I'm going to too.


Blogger Heather said...

i'm glad it all worked out. can't you just get rid of the lock all together?
we're going to iowa this weekend, but we want to see you guys soon!
xo, h

8:30 AM  

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