Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Superstitious 13th month-day post!!

And it's in October too! I was laying down with you tonight after you had woken up in tears and realized that I almost let your month day go by without a post! (two days late isn't so bad though right?) You've done a lot this past month and I want to make sure I get it down.
So while we're on the topic, let's talk sleep. Better yet, why don't we just go to sleep? As in right now, all night, as in please for the love of God and all that is holy why won't you sleep? Actually the answer (I think) is you're getting four molars at once. And unfortunately it's not like the little teeth that kind of popped up overnight. This is kind of a ebb/flow process where one night you'll be up whining and crying and trying to grind your way back inside my body, and the next you'll sleep in until 7:00. And if you look in your mouth, you can see the giant white horses just beneath the vast pink hills (that's for tia J), so close to coming through, but not quite there yet. I know that once this molar nightmare is over you'll be a champion sleeper, I've seen little glimpses and I cannot wait. Like Daddy says 2010 is going to be a great year.
Onto more fun topics, like what you are saying these days. We are still signing things and you are getting more and more all the time. In addition to the signs though, we are using sounds too. You'll imitate the dog bark, the horse clip clop, or the elephant blat, or the snake hiss, or frog noise that we decided was the sound a frog makes even though it has no basis in reality. It's fun to play this game with you. You get so proud when you see a picture of an animal, or the animal itself, and you make the corresponding sound. Ducks are probably your favorite, maybe because that was the first one you learned, but wolves are fun too because you get to hooooowwwl.
And you are talking up a storm! You have picked up a few new words, namely pan, pan y mas pan! Pan is your favorite food on earth, ah the manzana doesn't fall far from the arbol. Every morning when I get up, we brush our teeth, and then just as you are about to freak out when I take the little finger brush away because you are going to choke yourself with it, I say "vamos a comer PAN!" and you look up and smile and say "pan" and are all like, "toothbrush who? That's for suckers, get me some pan!" Another big surprise is that you know how to say cheese too. Considering my diet would consist entirely of pan y queso if my colon would allow it, it makes sense that my progeny also has a taste for delicious smelling cheese. You also have learned the word for your other favorite food, grapes. Uvas round out the triumverant of things you deign edible. Not surprising at all to me is the fact that your third word after pelota (ota) and dada, was pan, and all the words that followed were food words. Yes, you are your mother's son. Sadly for mama though, you are now referring to me as leche. Papa wasn't bad enough, today when I was in the shower I asked Chris to get you some milk, and when he asked you where your milk was you pointed at me in the shower. Um, no, not cool, not funny. (ok very funny) So no "mama" yet, but you bet your buttons that's gonna be a sweet day.

So, speaking of milk, we are still nursing before bed and in the morning. It's going fine although I'm suspecting that my milk is not going to last much longer and you get increasingly frustrated when the let down takes longer and doesn't last as long as you want. The other milk thing is I've given the word that the bottle is now officially banned. I haven't put them away yet, but that's in the works. Ana was complaining bitterly today that you need your bottle and only you drank 4 ounces of milk today. I want to do some research into this, whether the only reason to get rid of the bottle at 1 year is just because it's harder the longer you wait, or if there is actually some good reason. My thinking is it's going to be hard no matter when you do it, and if it doesn't take in 2 weeks, we may have to reassess. But for now, all liquids except milk are banned until you get used to the cup. I doubt if my decree will be adhered to, even by me.

You are still such a music lover. You'll sit and play your music cube over and over again until my head is ready to explode. You do your little arm jiggly dance, and when we sing Elena la Ballena, you always end it with a "bum bum!" It's so funny. I have to get more Spanish CDs since I left your's at tia Leticia's and she DID NOT give us one in return -scowling at her right now. (Actually I forgot yours there, so it wasn't part of a meaningful music exchange, just mommy being forgetful, so I'm really scowling at myself). The ones we have in English are ok, but there is something less grating about the wheels on the bus in Spanish.

You are still not walking, but are now showing signs of interest. Sometimes I'll be in the kitchen and all of a sudden feel something pulling my pants down and I'll look behind me and you are trying to walk behind me. It's pretty funny, until my pants come down and you're on the floor saying boom. You are cruising everywhere and will finally walk while holding our fingers, before you'd just plop down and crawl if we tried to get you to move any distance at all.

You are such a charmer. Everyone always smiles and waves at you, complete strangers can't help but come up to you and say hi. I'm glad you are such a social butterfly and will hopefully avoid the magnetic pull of being an anti-social misanthrope like your mother. It's actually good for me too since I am forced to interact with humanity when they say how gorgeous you are, I mean how could I not tell them they are stating the obvious?

You are such a wonder-boy. Sometimes I look at you and can't believe how lucky I am to have you in my life. No matter how crappy or long or tiring my day has been, when I see you're little arms held out for me to pick you up, oo-pah-lala, I have an infinite supply of energy, I'm filled with complete love for you and could carry you a million miles, but thankfully usually just a snuggle and to the couch is all you're looking for. Happy month-day.

p.s. here is a video Chris took of Domi eating an apple. He really loves his honeycrisp apples, what to do when the season is over!?!!

apple eater from alice on Vimeo.


Blogger KMW said...

Adorable!! Happy lucky 13!

9:45 PM  

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