Tuesday, September 25, 2007

A tale of two Daddies

Now before I begin, I want to first say, I'm not one to begrudge my devoted spouse any bones Domingo decides to throw his way. I know that I'm pretty much number one in Domi's book. I think on some level he knows I'm the one who feeds him, soothes him in the middle of the night, cuddles and sings to him, and maybe even the one who's body is still not back to normal over a year after his birth! I see it in his face when we play, when he wakes up in the morning and wants to snuggle with me, when he asks to nurse before bed, or when I'm doing something like making breakfast or brushing my teeth and my undivided attention is not on the boy and he tries to pull my pants down. It's also pretty obvious when he's tired and crabby, or just out of sorts, he looks for me and wants to be with mama.
That said, I do have two complaints I would like to put to the court of internet public opinion so I can be affirmed in my outrage and feelings of WRONG!
So, the other day Domi and I were looking at pictures on the wall and I was asking him, where's mama, dada, abuela, Sofia, Graciela. He was pointing and clapping and we were laughing. Then I asked, "who is that?" while pointing at Chris, and Domi said "Dada". I clapped and laughed and was genuinely happy that Domingo said Dada and knew what it meant, even if it was before he said "Mama" and knew what it meant. We called Dada to tell him and he was pretty excited. He deserves it, I'm not jealous I swear! But, when I pointed at a picture of me, and asked "who is that?" he just stared blankly back at me as if to say, "woman, if you don't recognize yourself in a photo, you are beyond my help." Ok, so he doesn't say mama, no big whoop. We went into his room and were playing and reading, and we were reading one of his many animal books signing different animals. We got to a picture of a walrus, and I did this silly Nixonesque voice saying "es una Morsa que brama en mi oido". Domingo thought that was the funniest thing he had ever seen. He literally peed his pants. He was laughing so hard he couldn't catch his breath, but was hysterically signing for more and more and more of mommy's silly Morsa!
When Chris got home, I told him about our awesome day, and he wanted demonstrations of what had occurred. So we went to the picture and sure as sugar, Domi said Dada. Then Chris wanted to see what was so funny. I said it was kind of a "in the moment" kind of thing and didn't think we could recreate it, but he wanted to try anyway. So I got out the book, and Domi went to the Morsa page and I said in my jowl-shakingest voice "es una Morrrrrsssa". Nothing. Barely half a smirk that said, oh you poor tired woman, that joke is so two hours ago. I assured Chris that it was hilarious not two hours before. I tell you that story so I can tell you this one, then you decide, am I being overly sensitive? (correct answer NO.)
So here we are today. Domi was awesome as usual, playing and laughing and being an all around swell fella. We get Domi in the bath and then Chris starts with the Morsa routine. Oh, it was only the funniest thing Domingo had ever seen, a laugh riot. Chris was like, "you try." So I said it, and I only got the same patronizing half smile. Dada does it and he's completely cracked up. CHRIS STOLE MY JOKE!!! And killed with it. Completely uncool, any comedian will tell you the same, you do not steal someone else's material. He is always doing that to me, I say something funny, and he says it two seconds later like he just thought of it. It is infuriating!
Issue the second: Later, we were lotioning and potioning etc., and then it was time to nurse. I calmed down with the whole joke theft and was wrapped up in the sweet cuddly closeness in the darkened room while we nursed and recited the bedtime story. Ah, even if he did say Dada first, Domi knows on which side his "pan" is buttered. So I'm looking down adoringly at my beautiful child, and he looks up points at Chris and says "Dada". "Yes, that's Dada" we both coo. He then looks up with pure love in his eyes, points at me and says in the cutest little voice you've ever heard, "Papa".


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