Thursday, July 01, 2010


Amalia, last week you turned two years old! You are right in the heartland of toddler-hood and are taking it all in stride.
Over this past year you have changed so much. Last year you were still scooting around, mostly babbling babytalk, and were so super chubby! Now you don't walk anywhere, you RUN! You cannot keep quiet, you just talk and talk and talk. And while you still are no waif-child, you have slimmed down considerably since your scooting days. You are so very tall, and still just about the prettiest little girl I've ever seen.
We had your doctor visit and here are your stats:
Height 36" (90-95%)
Weight 32.5 lbs(95%)
BMI: 17(normal)
The doctor said you are doing great! And that you are just a BIG girl.

You are still such a funny, charming, and loving child. You'll gladly give a total stranger a hug. Kisses good bye are your specialty and will make the rounds through the family members like a true Paraguaya. Your favorite human being is still Domingo,

although the primas, and prima Lucy are right up there all tied for second place.

Your favorite thing to do these days is lay in bed at night after the lights are out and tell knock knock jokes. You've come up with some really funny ones, and it is all I can do to not burst out laughing when you come up with a good one, or when you forlornly call out knock knock after I've said it's time to sleep and stopped answering who's there. You also have discovered the Mickey Mouse Club song, and it is your favorite thing ever. You and your brother are total 50's throw backs, since his new favorite song is Davey Crockett. Which you like to sing as Davey Chocolate. I think you guys will be running around in mouse ears and coon skin caps before too long!

Last week we had your birthday party. First one on your actual birthday, the summer solstice. The longest day of the year is a wonderful day to be born I have to say.

We had a nice little dinner and chocolate cake with tio James.

Then the primas came over on Friday (with their parents of course)

and we had a super fun weekend, going to the farmer's market, the zoo,

and of course your big birthday bash including our fancy homemade cupcakes. Not really all that fancy, but tia Leticia brought her decorating stuff and we didn't do too bad. I mean, I don't expect Martha Stewart to call me any time soon as her new icer or anything, but they weren't bad for my first attempt.

And what Latin American birthday would be complete without the obligatory pinata? Abuela went the sissy way out and bought the kind that you pull strings and not beat until it explodes.
Tia Leticia is of the opinion that you have to learn early that you have to work hard to get the sweet things in life. Maybe next year we'll traumatize you by having you beat Dora the Explorer until her head comes off.

This was the aftermath, all kids scrambling for fallen candy, you just excited that you have two lolly pops!

Amalia, you have had an amazing 2nd year of life. You've got to meet so many wonderful people, go to amazing places and do incredible things. And you are only 2!
But even as you get bigger and bigger (you are about 1/2 as tall as your DAD!) and talk more an more (Where is my Minnie Mouse mama, I want it?) and learn to do more and more (running, jumping, SWIMMING!, playing the kazoo, dressing like a viking) you will always be my little baby girl and I love you.



Anonymous Anonymous said... are just a beauty Amalia! So glad you had a HAPPY 2nd B-day, and can't wait to see you in August. love, tia sally

2:56 PM  

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