Monday, December 21, 2009

Winter Solstice monthday!

Amalia, your 18th monthday/half birthday is today on the shortest day of the year! I realize that the posting over here has been pretty light recently, but I promise there is a really good reason. We've been working hard trying to get your new house ready for you to move! Well, all of us will be moving, I don't want you to think that you are getting your own place quite yet.
I kind of didn't want to post about the place until we were ready to move in, but it just doesn't make sense to keep NOT mentioning the reason we've been so busy lately! But soon enough we'll have lots of pictures and a brand new house from which we'll be updating!
But despite being super busy, we've still kept some tabs on what you've been up to, a little.
So! Developmentally, you are plugging right along. You are officially a little parrot. You now repeat everything we say. I have stopped counting all your words, but there are many. Your absolute favorite thing to do is sing and listen to music. Your favorite song is the theme from Totoro, and still, Home on the Range reigns supreme. You started liking that song since I would sing it when reading "Cowboy Pequeno" or as it's rightfully called, Cowboy Small. There is a page where Cowboy Small is singing Home on the Range to his fellow cowboys, and you always would ask for mas, mas, mas! when ever I got to that part. It became kind of like your lullaby, and it remains your favorite song before bed.

Your Cowboy Pequeno homage.

You are still growing like a weed, and LOVE to eat and drink more milk, or "all gone" as you still call it, than any other baby I've ever seen. You are more of a milk lover than even your brother was when he was your age, and that is quite a bit!
We haven't taken you to your 18th month check up for the official stats, but my back tells me that you weigh at least 30 pounds.


And everywhere we go when people ask how old you are, they follow up by asking if you are really tall for your age. You are quite tall and I suspect that you are still off the chart percentagewise in all categories.

You are still obsessed with "Omingo" although you do fight with him a lot more than before. You are kind of a brute. You hit and push and grab and fight, sometimes with Domi, other times with Mommy! We are in the process of really trying to get you to be a little more "suave" as we say over here, but it is a very hard lesson for you to learn. But, with a little patience, we are definitely learning it together.

This coming month we'll have a lot to look forward to, Christmas, seeing tio Gustavo, playing with primos and primas, and hopefully moving into our new house.
Amalia, thank heavens the days are going to get longer, so we'll have more time to spend together. Happy half-year birthday sweet girl.
Love, Mama.


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