Happy Delinquent 17th monthday!
Amalia, these last few months have been super-crazy busy rather than their usual just super-crazy. You are quite nearly 18 months, a year and a half! But I would be remiss if I let last month go by undocumented.
You are really coming into your own in the talking department the past month or two. I was dutifully noting all your new words (like PIE!) and then realized that I've stopped keeping track because there are so many! Just to show you I'm not totally shirking my documentary duties, some new words you've pick up are more/mas, apple juice/jugo, cabeza, nariz, boca, pie-meaning foot in Spanish, as well as pie the food, bump, owie (those were learned together) hi/hola, and Domingo, which you pronounce "ingo"or "omi". I must say it's very sweet. So you definitely will have 20 words at 20 months, so I can stop worrying about language in general and start worrying about something else, like your Spanish. Unlike Domingo, you are speaking both Spanish and English pretty equally, if not a little heavy on the English. So let's try to work on the ol' espanol chica.
You too senor giant boca.
I think the fact that you can FINALLY get your point across makes for a much less frustrating life experience. You did not really take to the baby signs very much (except for MAS!) so now that you have some vocabulary at your disposal, I think you are less likely to throw a tantrum, or at least I'm less likely to feel bad about it, because, dude, I know you want m&ms, I hear you, I feel your pain, but you are not getting m&ms (at least not any MORE m&ms).
You may, however, have more pasta with a giant spoon.
You are such a quirky, funny, beguiling little girl. You love reading (EAD!), playing with babies (your absolute favorite is "your" baby, cousin Owl), and singing. Your favorite songs right now are Totoro and Home on the Range. It is really hilarious how you kind of mumble the melodies, and then yell out the last words of the phrases in those songs. I have to get a video of if some time, but we usually sing before bed or in the car. Yes, your favorite lullaby is Home on the Range, I said you were quirky.
This month (or two) has flown by, it's starting to get colder, it snowed for the first time, and we have a whole bunch of new stuff to look forward to in the coming months. But first there is this:
Oh Amalia, please don't ever change.
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