Thursday, September 24, 2009

15th Monthday!

Amalia, your 15th monthday was Monday, and you've had a very busy month!
You are now officially walking. But you are still pretty tentative on your two feet. Even though you are totally capable of walking as far as you want, you will often plop down and scoot if it looks like the walk will be too taxing.

You are still not very talkative, at least not in any language that we can understand. You are babbling and singing and laughing as much as any baby I've ever known, but you are still not quite able to get those words out. It's pretty frustrating for you to know exactly what you want, and not be able to express it in a way that I can understand. I'm sorry I can be so thick some times! I will say that it must be hard to get a word in edgewise with your brother around. He is a little chatterbox, and while he does profess unending adoration for you sometimes, most of the time he's making sure you don't touch his "stuff".

And although, I am just a tiny bit concerned about your lack of verbiage, you are totally on track, and in some areas even a little bit ahead, in all other aspects of your development.
We had your 15 month check up and here are your stats:
(All beyond 95%)
Height: 33.5"
Weight: 28lbs, 14oz
Head Circumference: 19.25"
Although I don't really want to make a habit out of these comparisons, it is kind of remarkable to note, you are a quarter inch shorter than Domi, and nearly 3 pounds heavier than he was at 15 months. But, if you can believe it, your weight has slowed down over the last 3 months (you only gained 1 pound), and you are still right on track with your growth curve, so we are not overly concerned. I think I can explain away the weight difference between you guys pretty easily, since Domi crawled on all fours, and you never did, I think he was probably burning off more calories than you in these last few mobile months. Now that you are walking, climbing, pulling, and every other kind of action verb, you can tell you are starting to slim down. I can actually see your neck! The other explanation is that while Domingo used to eat a lot more than he does now, you have always been my champion eater. You continue to eat and like everything you try, it is such a joy! You love everything, from apricots to zucchini, it's great. Chris and I were just marveling on how traditional baby food was really not part of your repertoire for very long. Even before you had all those lovely teeth that you now have (10 so far with the two top molars pushing through slowly and painfully) you would still gum our table food with gusto! And now that you have a mouth full of chompers, look out!

I'm gearing up for fall, and then around the corner, winter. I'm excited for some quality one on one time that we'll get to spend together now that Domingo is starting school. I'm so happy I'm able to be with you, help you conquer new things, like running and talking and riding the seesaw. You tackle everything you do with such zeal, it's incredible. And I know I say this to you, and everyone else, all too often: I have never ever seen such a beautiful child. You hold my heart in your perfect chubby hands. I'm very lucky to be along for the ride.
Love, Mama


Blogger Jennifer N. said...

sweetie pie! i love you amalia--
tia J

8:08 PM  

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