Monday, May 07, 2007

Eight Months!

Happy month day little one! It's that time again already, I can't believe it, the month in review. Time seems to just fly by. The milk supply crisis/nursing strike is over, now it seems the happiest place on earth is not Disney world, but under my shirt. Oh well, I'm actually very relieved, we can hopefully go at least another month without any supplements, as my freezer stash is back up to snuff.
You continue to be just the sweetest boy there is. You got sick yesterday and you were such a trooper. You had a pretty high fever, and if everyone and my mother wasn't a doctor, I'd probably have taken you in to see your pediatrician today, not a fun way to spend your month-day! Although it's extremely stressful that you have a temperature, you are not acting sick at all, you're just your usually good natured self, just a little less energetic. So we'll wait another day and if it doesn't go away on it's own, we'll be back at the doc's a little earlier than originally planned.
Your two "eye" teeth are just about poking through, and hopefully that will give us a short hiatus from the painful teething, until the next round of course. You don't really fuss or cry but I can tell it bothers you because you bite anything that's close by and have been waking up a bit more than usual just to gnaw on whatever happens to be around, my elbow, a pacifier, Oslo.
You've learned a bunch of new things, the cutest of which is the "old man face", at least that's what Ana calls it. You scrunch up your nose and eyes and smile this big gummy grin, it's really a hoot. At first I thought maybe it was your eye sight and that you couldn't see well, so were squinting, but you kept doing it over and over and laughing, so it must be a new game you've made up. You started waving hello and bye-bye and some times wave for no discernible reason at all. You also started making "tortitas para mama" and clapping your hands together. So I think tia Leticia may be right, that it's time for signs!! Because one thing is for sure, you definitely have an opinion about everything, and know what you want, and woe to the person who can't figure out what it is. That person is usually me, so for my own sanity, we're starting to teach you some signs for things that you seem interested in, like "dog", "duck", "light", and "fan" (oh how you love the ceiling fan!) and some signs that would make our lives easier, like "more", "sleep" and "eat". It's a fascinating concept, and I'm sure it works, because the twins did great with the signs before they could speak, which seems like ages ago now! The book I have said that babies as young as 6 months can start signing, I'm somewhat skeptical (about the age thing only), and definitely don't want to put any pressure on you to do it, so we'll keep trying and if you seem interested then terrific, if not, then no big deal. For now I show you a sign and any time you do anything with your hands in response, I have a giant celebration for your inadvertent hand flapping. You seem pretty amused, but have yet to put it all together.
Your "real" talking is taking off too, you babble, sing and scream non-stop these days, that is until you see the twins and then you are content to just watch their hijinx from the relative safety of mommy's lap. You're favorites are "dadada" and "si", to your father's delight. A few days ago I said something like "Domingo, tienes sueno?" and you said right on cue "SI" in a very loud tragic sounding voice, it was pretty funny.
The weather really is getting nicer, and we are spending more and more time outside. It's wonderful. Each month that goes by gets better than the one before, and I love you more each day, even though it doesn't seem humanly possible. You continue to amaze me my darling boy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! I second all of the above! Domi, you are the best boy in the omniverse. -Daddy

10:15 AM  
Blogger KMW said...

OHMYGOSH he is SOOO CUTE!! We miss you guys!

10:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mom says " I canna put a comment derr."

4:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

this is not fair! i have tried 100 times and it did not work for me. Leticia trys once and here it is!

4:59 PM  
Blogger sarah said...

Isn't it amazing how time flies? He is adorable!!!

8:42 AM  

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