Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Two month check up

So we went to your new pediatrician for the first time today. The reason we left the old one may or may not be the subject of a future post, we'll see if I get to it. Anyway, you were a super trooper and did a great job of showing off all your amazing tricks. The doc. was really impressed and said that you look terrific and you're doing great and we're doing everything right and to keep it up. Ahhhhh just what I've been longing to hear. (everyone will also take notice that you are no longer even the tiniest bit yellow)
She even said that she had to keep reminding herself that you are only 2 months!
Here is a list of your amazing deeds:
On your tummy you can hold you head up steady at 90 degrees and can push up to your chest with weight on your elbows, you can bring your hands together, can reach for things and occasionally grab them (by happy accident), you smile and coo and laugh and can say a-goo (apparently the combo is tricky), you can scan an object 180 degrees and have been doing that for awhile. So all in all, you are doing everything you are supposed to and a few things that are a little advanced. (we wont tell that you had performance enhancing steroids in utero)
Chris put it best when he said that it's very easy to not get hung up on developmental benchmarks and percentiles when you are hitting all of them, but it is really nice to hear the professional say that you are a terrific baby.
I did point out that you have an umbilical hernia, but she wasn't at all concerned, said it's very small, and will most likely heal on its own in time. So for now you have an outie on your giant belly and it's very sweet.

So here are the stats: weight 14lbs. 2 oz (90th percentile)! holy moly that's a heavy baby! length- 25 and 1/4 in. (95th percentile) enjoy it now kiddo, I pretty much guarantee that with my genes you aren't going to stay in either of those camps for long. And finally head circumference 15 and 7/8 in. (25-50th percentile) huge baby, tiny pea head, oh my.

The last thing we had to do was of course the worst, the shots. You were such a good boy and it must have really hurt because you're little face got redder than anything I have ever seen. But you stopped crying quickly and then went to sleep. I didn't take any pictures, it's probably better not to remind you, so I'll post another one from this weekend the caption of which should be "Good grief, is this shirt too small already?" p.s. Thanks for the shirt Freya. He looks more like Linus to me though!


Blogger KMW said...

Good Grief! What a wonderful boy! So glad the check-up went well! Welcome to the blogosphere--I am so excited to check up on Domi's progress!

5:27 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi alice & unc & domi! I think he looks more like Rerun(linus's little bro!)


2:02 PM  

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