Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Two Months

I can't believe it's been 2 months already! You are getting so big so fast. This is the main reason I wanted to start this blog, to make sure that I write down and remember the detailed tiny minutiae of our daily lives. And who wouldn't want to read the Chronicles of Domi?
You have changed so much in these 2 months. You are now a bonafide superchunk! You went from 6 lbs 12 oz at birth to 13 lbs 9 oz at last check, just like mommy you love to eat! When you were born we said you had a nickel butt, because it was just the size of two little nickels, now it's more like a Sacagawea dollar butt, still, it's pretty tiny compared to the rest of you. You are still a tall drink of water- 22.5 in. when born, 25 now (according to mommy's tape measure) And you are such a beauty!
Sleep is still elusive, but I think we are officially over the 6 week fussiness peak (I hope I didn't just jinx us). You still hate the swaddle, but can't sleep without it. I think that pretty soon though you'll be less prone to startle, be able get your hand in your mouth and keep it there, or learn to accept the love of the pacifier, then the swaddler will be gone. Here's hoping! Until then I'm happy to act as a human "pepe", and the evil baby straight jacket will keep you cozy and warm and keep your hands from punching you in the face. Daddy and I are also learning the tricks of the trade of getting you to sleep. You only like being held upright, and we do the "milk shake" we hold you really close and shimmy, it usually conks you right out. The sound of running water usually puts you to sleep too. But of course nothing works like a little boob action. That is the ultimate argument settler. No matter where we are, no matter how fussy you are, you calm right down when there is a boob in your face.

You are a tiny hercules. Here's a list of your feats of strength:
You held your head up pretty much from day one, and flipped over from tummy to back when you were 7 days old!! You have yet to have a repeat performance, but you've come really close, and are so strong you'll figure it out soon. You also break out of every swaddling blanket invented, even the miracle blanket otherwise known as the evil baby straight jacket!
You have discovered a new register in your crying. I don't mean to laugh, but it's really amazing and cute when you hit notes above high C.
Bathing has also become a favorite time of day, a far cry from how it was at first.

But the best is first thing in the morning. You are so happy and talkative when you wake up in the morning. You love "Daddy Domi time".
It was a long road to get here, but we are so excited to be here. You've already changed so much, and we are looking forward to every moment.


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