Thursday, November 16, 2006

my new crying technique is unstoppable

Oh my cod! Karate snoopy has nothing on this boy. Domingo is completely anti-sleep. Yesterday's shots, while they did produce a temporary lethargy, did nothing to stop Domi's up at 2 a.m. reign of terror. The doc said the shots often help babies sleep better at least temporarily. He fell asleep in the car after screaming for about 10 minutes, I wanted to drive to Wisconsin rather than wake him up to take him inside, but he didn't even stir. So I thought we'd be totally set and I could actually clean or do something requiring more than 15 minutes. Nope, sorry try again later! As soon as I got out my lunch he woke up in a FOUL mood. The shots must have been really painful because I dosed him with baby tylenol and in a few minutes he was happy as a clam, but not sleepy at all. Then last night/this morning he woke up at 2 a.m. again and didn't really go to sleep again for a solid chunk of time. He would grunt and squirm and wake up and cry pretty much every hour until at 6:00 Chris took pity on me and let me sleep until 8 when he had to get ready for work. This has been his general m.o. for awhile and it's beginning to take a toll, my brain is beginning to fry (beginning?) and it's 2 pm and I'm still in pyjamas, haven't brushed my hair and my gut is hanging out from under my tank top. Not too pretty.

Anyway, I think he's starting to become more aware of what he wants and become much more frustrated that I can't figure it out. Yesterday we were playing and he was really happy, then he started to fuss and an instant later it was scream city. I went through the usual suspects, and then when nothing was doing it I got out the swaddle blanket, because if your going to be a crab apple, you are going down. And much to my shock he started settling down. Now he was just crying the familiar "I hate this swaddler, must free arms... WAAAAH" cry, not the "so help me if this stupid woman shoves her boob in my face again I'm going to scream out a lung" cry. It was really amazing. I could totally tell he was getting really frustrated, and as soon as I figured out that he needed to sleep, and started going through the sleep motions he was calmer. Unfortunately for Domi, the straight jacket is my go to when I have no idea why he's crabbing, even if he's not tired, and if he hates that thing when he's sleepy he hates it with a white hot passion of a thousand suns when he's not. It's hard being a baby.


Blogger KMW said...

You're funny, Alice! It's hard being a mommy too.good job!

3:04 PM  

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