Sunday, November 16, 2008

It's how do you say? French

Yesterday we went to the open house for the school that's across the street from our apartment. It's in a beautiful but very old building that it shares with two other schools, a Montessori, and an Islamic studies school. While the facilities are a little old and beat up, the programs were really impressive. (Computers for three year olds!?) The thing we liked best about it (besides being across the street) was that there is an obvious high value placed on language and how that relates to our place in the larger world. Diversity is celebrated, as are other cultures. I was assured that there were many families with children where neither parent spoke French, some families like ours where the children spoke English and Spanish, and about half the families where one or both parent spoke French. They said they have lots of resources for parents once the children start bringing home homework (all in French!) because that is a huge obstacle for many parents if they do not speak the language. I liked most of the teachers we met (I did think that the kindergarten teacher was a little too businesslike). Another plus is that they don't have the September 1 birthday cut off so many schools (all of the public and lots of the private schools) have. I know there are lots of strong feelings and studies showing why either side is better for both sides of this issue, but I personally believe that it's a year wasted. Domingo will be a year behind, rather than a year ahead of his classmates if he's "red shirted".
I don't know even if Domingo got in to the school and he went for preschool, if we'd keep him there throughout. It depends on a lot of things, but I see the little kids in the park speaking French and it's really awesome.
Overall I was really really impressed, and we are at least going to apply for the fall.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

all this sounds good. why not take advantage of such a good place so close? ts (tia sally) ps I realize this is none of my business! disregard if you wish!

9:41 AM  
Blogger Jennifer N. said...

Wow--devastatingly handsome and TRI-lingual to boot! Domi is gearing up for true heartbreaker status...
I so hear you on the early Sept. birthday dilemma. FWIW Theo has been in such a charming stage that lately I have been grateful we will get to have him around for an extra year before college. But-- that could change, I'm sure!

4:19 PM  
Blogger Patricia said...

glad to hear that you guys found a place that you like. see you in a couple weeks - pg

7:19 PM  

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