Monday, March 31, 2008


Domingo is really getting into Destruction-mode these days. Some times, he'll play very quietly and calmly for a really long time. But then he'll get his viking blood up, and start to destroy! and head-butt! and climb and fall!
I can usually get him to calm down by offering to read a book on the sofa, but that will often lead to Domingo only half-listening and doing sommersaults on the couch. This condition is only heightened when he's in the company of his lovely primas who add fuel to the wild fire.

Before bed Domingo will often need a few stories and sometimes a song or two before he's calm enough to get to the business of bedtime. The other night I was telling him one of his favorites "fuentos" the runaway bunny ('nejito 'darin) and Domingo was being lulled into calm, but then I forgot the last line. Domingo sat up and said "'nahoria?" Like, "what are you doing lady, you are leaving out the best part?" So we had to start all over. Even though I tell him this story pretty much every night, Domingo has a pretty amazing memory.


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