Wednesday, May 27, 2009


scooty from alice on Vimeo.

Here is Amalia getting around the only way she knows how!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

11th monthday!

Domingo, I'll do a combined 32nd and 33rd monthday for you in June, since I'm apparently not going to get around to it this month, and there really isn't that much exciting going on by way of developments with you kiddo.

But Amalia, you have had quite a month!
You are really working hard in all areas of development.
Let's start with gross motor skills. You are pulling up and standing all over town. You love to be vertical and to move so I can't help but think that you'll be walking before too long. You still are scooting around on your bottom to get around until you figure out the walking thing. We are pretty sure that you won't be crawling on all fours because, try as I might, you refuse to stay on your tummy long enough to learn how. And why should you? You can get to where ever you want to be as fast as any crawler and you don't have to lose your dignity by crawling on hands and knees.

You are still the champion eater in the house. Everything that Domingo turns his nose up at, you will gladly gobble, even somethings that your mother would rather not touch- flan anyone? Amalia says yes!
You love drinking water out of my glass, but refuse to drink anything but milk out of a bottle.
This month we are going to start mixing a little more dairy into your diet to get you ready for WEANING-2009! I have a feeling you will be less than thrilled with this plan, particularly during the overnight hours, but it's all a process, I'm comfortable with that.

What about language? Well you still babble and giggle and "talk" all the time, but your sign language is really taking off. You wave bye bye, ask for more, ask for milk, talk about the lights, books, ducks, birds, food, and itsy bitsy spiders.
You point and clap and also use your hands to pick up teeny tiny little objects as well as smack, pinch and hit your mom, dad, and brother.

Pleased to meetcha!
You actually say mama and dada, as well as a few other things that we can't decipher, but much to my shame, I think one is "television".

You are just about the sweetest baby I've ever met. You are always in a good mood, (unless it's nap time!) and love nothing more than to crack up at your brother's silly antics. Lucky for me, your brother was just as wonderful at this age, so I can't say you are the absolute sweetest baby, it's pretty much a tie.
11 months is a wonderful age, you are starting to interact in a really meaningful way, you understand what I'm saying, and I am starting to understand what you are saying. But you can't run away from me, like a little stinky gentleman that I won't name! It's great. You are so loving and dear. You hug and kiss all your family. You adore Domingo and want to be everywhere he is. Listening to the two of your laugh together is one of the best things I've ever experienced.
You still have the most amazing smile that you flash to everyone you meet, pretty much instantly winning them over. Your smile starts with your big grey-green eyes and then spreads out over the rest of your face to reveal your sharp little teeth. The two on the bottom are finally joined by two new ones on top. You really are the most beautiful baby I've ever seen (sorry D.) but looks aren't everything kid, keep up those signs!

Amalia, I can't believe that you are almost a year old, yet it blows me away that I ever lived in a world where you didn't exist.

Happy monthday,
Love Mama.

Monday, May 18, 2009

I didn't forget I swear!

Domingo's monthday post has been postponed, rescheduled, placed on the backest of back burners over and over again since the last time I blogged. Various things kept coming up that kept me from writing, for example and in no particular order: the stomach plague that decimated our little abode, the wonderful and exciting addition of little baby Owl aka Lucy, the death of our hard drive, my reluctance to upload pictures to the computer since the death of our hard drive, season finale of LOST which by the way was so awesome I can't stand it. All important things, that prevented me from my blogerly duty of writing about my beloved first born and all his wonderful milestones that he achieved over this past month.
But I'm feeling marginally better, am now only 3 pounds away from pre-Domi weight, thanks to said stomach plague, and I have loads to write about if I can remember everything that has happened over the past month(and almost a half). That is of course assuming that I can get a free moment to post once I get home.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Finally, some more teeth!

Just what we've always wanted, more crabby babies! After 4 months of wondering when Amalia would get some more chompers, her top two teeth are starting to poke through her red painful gums. Here is a good shot of the bottom two.

Amalia's eyes are really starting to look brown too. In the light you can see lots of brown specks in her dark grey eyes.

Monday, May 04, 2009

Happy Birthday Baby Owl!!

Congrats to tia Hez and tio James on the birth if their beautiful baby girl! Lucy was born early this morning after a LONG day for new mom and dad. I don't have all the details or pictures, but I know that Hez was a rock star and delivered a big 9 + pound baby girl! Tonight I'm headed over to the very same hospital where Domi Amalia and the twins came into this world to meet little Miss Lucy.
For the past few months we've been referring to Lucy as baby Owl as a nickname and just for fun until we knew what her real name would be. Now we'll just have to explain to Domingo that tia Hez did not have an actual baby owl...

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Just had to post this!

This is the cutest picture I have ever seen if I do say so myself. We're in the middle of a fun crazy weekend. Hopefully I'll post more and pictures later!